Go Chair
Pride Mobility
The Hybrid Traction Power Wheelchair is a lightweight electric power wheelchair that combines rear-wheel drive and mid-wheel drive technology for improved stability, maneuverability, and performance on all types of terrain.
- Range is up to 12 miles
- Max speed is 8.5 mph
- Max weight is 300 lb
Design essentials
Patented Dual-Action Suspension: Fully independent 6-wheel interactive suspension with vertical shock absorption Stability, speed, comfort, and outdoor performance of rear-wheel drive
Compact footprint and turning radius of 21.75” (550 mm) provides maneuverability similar to a mid-wheel drive
Available with center mount articulating foot platform or independent elevating legrests
Multiple frame, drive wheel and caster options
Available in standard (300 lb weight capacity) and HD (400 lb. weight capacity) models
- Please note: We do not list prices for Rehab Power Wheelchairs. There is an extensive range of options available for each wheelchair to fit precisely to your needs.
