Invacare TDX SP2 Power
The Invacare TDX SP2 Power Wheelchair with Ultra Low Maxx Positioning System and LiNX electronic platform is designed for people seeking exceptional driving performance, smart design, comfort and remarkable stability.
- Range is up to 20 miles
- Max speed is 7.5 mph
- Max weight is 450 lb
Design essentials
Featuring LiNX Technology, including rehab’s first touch screen interface and the MyLiNX smartphone app which shows the wheelchair’s vital and status information, helps providers with remote diagnostics and troubleshooting
Live wireless programming provides immediate feedback on performance and function at set-up
Available with single and multiple-power positioning and rehab seat options
100 possible color combinations to make it yours!
- Please note: We do not list prices for Rehab Power Wheelchairs. There is an extensive range of options available for each wheelchair to fit precisely to your needs.
