VMI Northstar Conversion
- Power In Floor Handicap Ramp Leaves an open doorway for non-wheelchair using passengers to enter and exit the vehicle.
- Lowered Floor one of the most important features on any handicap accessible minivan, this feature means enough headroom to ride comfortably and a more natural line of sight through the windows.
- Provides a lower ramp angle, making it easier to enter and exit the vehicle.
- Power Kneel a mechanism actually lowers the suspension of the accessible vehicle closer to the ground, reducing the ramp angle even more.
- Removable Front Seats a handicapped individual can choose to ride in the front passenger position or even drive with the aid of hand controls or other driving aids
- Remote Control Activation with the touch of a button on the keychain remote, the door opens and ramp deploys so your van is ready and waiting when you get to it.
